Monday, September 17, 2012

Vocabulary List and Sentences # 6

1. obsequious: (adj) characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning
Obsequious students who suck up to the teacher are extremely annoying.
2. beatitude: (noun) supreme blessedness; exalted happiness
Every person should, at one time, have beatitudes.
3. bete noire: (noun) a person or thing especially disliked or dreaded; bane
A hero's bete noire is his archenemy.
4. bode: (verb) to be an omen of; portend
The witch bode me a farewell, which was discomforting.
5. dank: (adj) unpleasantly moist or humid; damp and, often, chilly
The dark, dank forest was filled with terrifying noises.
6. ecumenical: (adj) general; universal
The ecumenical icon, the White House, has been repaired several times.
7. fervid: (adj) heated or vehement in spirit
Many religious leaders have a fervid attitude.
8. fetid: (adj) having an offensive odor; stinking
The homeless man's smell was extremely fetid.
9. gargantuan: (adj) enormous
Men, these days, are gargantuan compared to those of the 18th century.
10. heyday: (noun) the stage or period of greatest vigor, strength, success
Babe Ruth, because of my lack of knowledge in the field of baseball, lived in the heyday of sports.
11. incubus: (noun) a nightmare
Avoid an incubus at all costs
12. infrastructure: (noun) the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization
In order to destroy a government, you must demolish its infrastructure.
13. inveigle: (verb) to acquire, win, or obtain by beguiling talk or methods
Sports teams plan to inveigle the championship.
14. kudos: (noun) honor; glory
A lot of people give other people kudos, as a kind and polite thing to do.
15. lagniappe: (noun) a small trinket
Kids enjoy playing with lagniappes.
16. prolix: (adj) extended to great, unnecessary, or tedious length; long and wordy
I avoid trying to write prolix sentences.
17. protege: (noun) someone interested in his or her career or welfare
If you love your job and are successful in it, you are a protege.
18. prototype: (noun) the original or model on which something is based or formed
It would be an rewarding job to be able to test prototypes.
19. sycophant: (noun) a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite
The fact he is obsequious is enough, but to be a sycophant is even worse.
20. tautology: (noun) needless repetition of an idea
Much of misunderstood writings in early english were thought to be consisting of tautologies.
21. truckle: (verb) to submit or yield obsequiously or tamely
In a wrestling match, the first to truckle will lose.

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