Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Notes On Reading:

On Epics:

  • Epics are poems that are prolonged and consist of usually a hero figure as well as their achievements and their exaggerated power
  • Heroes are characterized differently according to their own culture
Gilgamesh (Prologue):
  • Gilgamesh is a great warrior with the ability to cut down mighty kings and create great nations
  • Described as, "one who digs deep walls into the mountainside."
  • Characteristic of Gilgamesh is god-like
  • Extremities of description are included as he is nearly described as a creator
  • Uruk is a part or the cities of Gilgamesh
  • Athene speaks to Hektor about killing Achellius
  • Athene also points out the destructive power Achellius has in battle
  • Achellius poses threats as a one who seeks justice for the Achanians and Hektor threats by saying he will show his strength by bringing Achellius back to the Achanians, dead
  • Death is described, as must of been for the tradition, as a fleeting soul fluttering away from his body
  • Achellius shows respect at the end of the passage by speaking of the gods and his acceptance of it when the gods decide it is his time
A History of the English Church and People:
  • Britain was previously known as Albion
  • Belgic Gaul is France
  • black jet=coal
  • Describes the long days and short nights during the summer in England
  • Scythia is the area that was only a nation in medieval times and is the nation in which the Picts came from to England 
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle:
  • Alfred , Son of Aethwald was king of all English except for the Danish
  • Aethelwauld and many Anglo-Saxon kings came into conflict with the Danish and the traditions of England
  • Aethelwald fought Sigulf in the land of Mercia
  • Alfred's Death brought together the East Anglicans and Northumbrians

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