Thursday, February 21, 2013


Rosa Alvarez= Needs to be up to date.

Amanda Arnold= Has finished some E.C. problems but needs to go up to most recent posts.

William Boerger=  Done O.K. need to fully complete Lit. Analysis and post most recent.

Rheanna Crawley= Missing very little, up to date for the most part.

Michelle Crosby=  Up to date; well done and straight to the point.

Vince Cruz= A normal and finished blog. Solid.

Jose De Leon= New student.

Lizbeth Estrada= Could be more in this blog.

Kaitlyn Furst= Less than other blogs. But still has few of the more recent posts.

Bernardo Gonzalez= Interesting to look at. Like the UCLA background.

Iliana Guttierrez= Well-done. Enough said.

Mackenzie Greeley= One of the more intriguing blogs. Information filled and extra goodies.

Taelor Griego= Previously figured out but recently not as up-to-date as other blogs.

John Han= Missing lit terms that's it.

Elizabeth Hotchkiss= Need to put blog up to date.

Pablo Nicacio= Missing most recent HW.

Elizabeth Pereyra= Caught up, but not phenomenal.

Eddie Pineda= Missing few assignments.

Alex Ramirez= Complete for the most part.

Torre Reddick= Needs to update.

Christa Weston= Good job on the blog. Needs more recent though.

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