Macbeth: ACT II Active Reading Notes
- What is the purpose of the character: "Porter"? Is he like a mail person or someone who brings news?
- It seems that Macduff is a servant to the king who was sent to retrieve the king in the morning and bring him back to his own estate. Was this common?
- I'm confused why Macbeth confessed the killing of the king to his men. Would they have found out otherwise?
- The Old man in the last seen is Ross's real father? or is he a priest or someone of religious importance.
- 'Gainst nature still!
Thriftless ambition, that wilt ravin up
Thine own life's means! Then 'tis most like
The sovereignty will fall upon Macbeth.'
- This is showing that Macbeth will not have people on his side, but be shunned and looked at as the murder he is.
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